Guanajuato day 4

Slept only 2 hours last night as i decided to indulge some of my vices at about 10pm¨: this wonderful chocolate, american coffee, which here is like espresso compared to the bilge water you usually get in the states, a cigarette (i know, i know) and a glass of wine, well not all at once. Then on the way home was distracted by the minstrels, who it seems do wander, and wander they did into my little tiny side street, impeding my path, getting me turned around backwards.
Today, first day of classes and i´ve learned about the dia de los muertos and why they eat those sugar skulls. It´s by eating death, you cheat it and by celebrating death you remember and hold dear your departed loved ones. I´m thinking this is maybe another reason Latinos don´t think about health prevention so much: if they don´t fear death, why worry about disease here on this plane? Makes me feel better about those few cigarettes.
Rainy and quiet day. Read a fantastic little short story in lit class by Julio Cortazar that I would share here but translating would take too long. fJust a reminder of the power of words.
World´s shortest sthort story by Augusto Monterroso: "The dinosaur awoke to find he was still there."
love all these little plazas they squeeze in everywhere. I think that contemplative time, or resting is much more important down here than up norte.
Thanks for sharing your insight and experiences of Mexico. Never been, but it's reminding me of Spain more than I thought possible. I know I shouldn't be surprised but...
Will check in from time to time. Hope the classes go well.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
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