
My ocean crashes up against
rocky cliffs
and slides slowly down sandy shores.
It runs hot and cold and warm,
currents circulating the planet
in a flamenco floreo.
Waves surge and crest, ebb and flow
wrinkling like a rug kicked up on the floor
then smoothing out, calm as a baby's skin.
At night plankton light up the surface
with a fluroescent sheet
while the moon rocks slowly in reflection
on its liquid bed.
The sun wakes, laying a rosy blanket
on my watery surface, then gathers it
high in the sky as it arcs around the world.
My wet tendrils reach into hidden coves,
coaching a sea urchin loose here,
a wedge of salty seaweed there
ever changing shape.
I am host to ships and rowboats,
flotsam and jetsam,
stray beach balls and topsy turvy buoys.
The rain replenishes me,
hurricanes suck me up in their voracious lips
then spit me out over land masses.
I hug the continents,
lick ice flows,
receive rivers' deltas
like a thirsty lover
and creep, unkown, into
coastal inlets.
Somewhere a cave
knows my name
and in its darkness,
its superb silence,
awaits my arrival
and ever pending departure.
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