
Thomas Moore's book, Care for the Soul, fell off my chair and opened to this page which included a quote of Rainer Maria Rilke: "Our task is to stamp this provisional, perishing earth into ourselves so deeply, so painfully and passionately, that its being may rise again, 'invisibly,' in us." Moore continues: "This reminds me of narcussus becoming the flower: nature manifests itself through our human lives, and our personalities flower as acts of creation."
Moore then quotes Rainer in his Sonnets to Orpheus:
Though the reflection in the pool
Often swims before our eyes:
Know the image.
Only in the dual realm
do voices become
eternal and mild.
This makes me think of how hard we fight the shadow within us, those natural forces that go unheeded, how only when we acknowledge them do we begin to find this "eternal and mild" voice within.
Maybe also exlpains why I feel like hugging trees and get turned on by a flower and worship a fig lately.
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