Saturday, June 09, 2007



5:30 am and, again, I toss and turn, finally give up on this endeavor and write instead. I’ll meet with the PACEMED people in the morning and hope for an afternoon nap which seems to come easier these days. Dogs are now barking, joining the roosters and odd truck here and there and I flash back to Madrid, a similar room with French doors, and Paris, places where I felt the earth under my feet as I looked for something. I think of my sister who seems never settled for long on any continent and wonder how different, yet alike, we are in some ways. I have stayed put for 15 years in one place and built a family and home. She has wandered the continents. Yet we share this common past of having doors opened to the world every year. I am lucky to have the best of both worlds and hope she is finding her place here as well.

I have a fresh breakfast of their famous French toast, fruit and yogurt, then take a long walk around town and head over to the school where I get to watch a CPR class being conducted with Mexican EMT’s. It’s a small class held in the courtyard and fun to listen to in Spanish. I meet with Kitty, PACEMED’s marketing person, freshly de-camped from NYC as of a year and we have lunch nearby. Then we discuss my workshop idea and the possibilities of having it work. It’s exciting to explore first steps of the dream process.

I nap in the barcalounger, listening to the sounds of Mexican EMT’s practicing CPR in the jardin and then meet with my tutor for more translating of the this Motivational Interviewing technique I hope to use. Dinner out is interesting in a restaruante with a Polish singer crooning in French and Spanish. Again surrounded by Americans and aware of how we take over a space when we move in.


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