Saturday, January 07, 2006

Bliss 101

6 January, 2006

David Lynch has a plan to teach people, including kids, how to do transcendental meditation. This sounds good to me. To spend time each day clearing the mental palate of thought, with the side effect of losing negativity, seems like a sorely needed activity. How much time do we spend stewing over perceived wrongs, mis-perceptions, lack of understanding, failures? How much money do we spend on therapy, self-help gurus, books and programs in the search for some kind of tranquility? What does this society do to promote self sufficiency and resiliency? Not much. J.S. Bach's Reluctant Messiah speaks to the need to look within, as of course have countless other sages and sources on mental health. When Prozac fails and the Pinto Grigio no longer hits the spot, let's all try a little Ohmmmm.


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