Monday, May 08, 2006



At the park, a bent over old man with a walking stick carved from a tree branch stops to caress a similar nobby stretch of a young tree trunk. Did he wish to introduce the two?

At teh farmer's market, a small tanned faced, grey haired woman with a large nose. I see wisdom in the crone's eyes as she totes a shopping cart full of cans and I smile at her. She seems surprised.

In front of Staples, a well dressed, young black man in the latest hip-hop fashion begs a few coins. For some reason, and out of character, I give them without hesitation.

An aquaintance arrives at piano school, wan and empty faced as if she's lost her favorite leather wallet. I learn her father is dying and we speak of how awful that place is when you can no longer find someone you love.

My son, in constant battle for power and supremacy, takes a moment while flying his kite to nestle his head in my arms while I nap.

I smell the lack of scent in my daughter's feet and warn her that will change when she becomes a teenager. She simply puts her face up to mine and licks my nose.

In the eyes of a Manchester Terrier I suddenly see the history of man and dog, the companionship of human and animal and wish this elemental connection for all of us.

Hearing the voice of a friend I want to touch and hold onto that which counts most in this dis-jointed world, the reality of our short time on earth.

On my face I feel the sun and the air and spread my arms out, like the ribbons from a maypole, and twirl around the center of the universe.


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