Saturday, May 20, 2006

Recipie for a Fig Tree


A fig tree requires carnivals

humming birds and warm sunsets

moist black earth and a turned spade

patience and a gust of wind now and then

Its hard bark protects a vital liqor

pulsing through veins to branch tips

A fig tree needs water and waiting baskets

smiles and a good laugh

Its mana will ripen and drop

feeding soil and larks and certain deer in Africa

lovers may lay a blanket under its boughs

and witness a blue sky through tight branches

before turning to touch each others skin

A fig tree needs a witness to its cycles

a waiting tongue to part tender flesh

and pass her seeds through alimentary canals

and along dirt paths

A fig tree needs the earth's rotations

to pass through seasons of waiting, gestating and knowing

that her fruit will ripen again


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