Guanajuato Day 6

I play hooky today, in need of another spin class, which drenches me in much needed sweat, only to return home to find the water in the house was absent. I heartily recommend bathing with bottles of mineral water on a cold tile floor to wake one up. Quite refreshing.
I take one of the first class buses to San Miguel for a dream workshop and marvel at the A/C, free snacks and movies on board. Puts Greyhound to shame. The country side rolls by as I do my homework and listen to Spykids translated into Spanish. I get to see more than on the first mini'van trip when I was squeezed between my colleagues; it´s rolling and green with low trees of some sort. The minute you leave the city you are aware of the crude level of living many people here have, the corn fields, women walking along paths with bundles of sticks on their heads. A big change from Guanajuato´s fashionable ladies and these internet cafes where you can drink your beer and smoke while you post.
I visit Lifepath, a retreat type of center above the central plaza in town and get to explore a couple of interesting dreams I´ve had here. I´m more and more aware of the role of persptective in life, how with different mirrors, masks and filter we can live in our skins in so many different ways and experience others in just as limited or expanded fashions. The area of town where the retreat is, is lovely, wider streets, less crowded, bigger buildings, but all in this colonial style that seeps its walls with colors and terra cotta pots of flowers.
On return back, I get back to the center for more music and plaza activity, have a beer on a door step where my literature teacher finds me. We chat a bit and I feel the delight of small town living, where everybody knows your name.
Yesterday I took a walk north of the school and found a lovely reservoir with a view of the mountains that cup this town. I wish for more time to go hiking but will concentrate on my grammatica instead. No es facil!
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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