
For some reason, I've been thinking of Airstreams, those beautiful aluminum, shining RV's of the 50's, landed space pods built to transport people along our nations highways and byways. Unlike the bulky Winnebago, these self contained units are sleek, guiding the wind to caress their bellies and backs like a mother in love. Bullet shaped, I imagine them gliding along behind the familiy car in silence, to be deposited at an airy campsite, where grass grows green and perhaps a brook bubbles near by. (Of course, this is highly unlikely now a days as most campgrounds are cramped and crowded but the image I conjur in my mind, seems rooted in this ideal scenario.) I think of traveling beyond, to new places, to dipping toes in new waters, holding hands on a new path, looking up at a new sky, with open eyes. All this from the image of silver arrow shot from a sturdy quiver.
The words recreation vehicle make me smile. Recreate means to have fun, but when broken down turns into re-create. Is this what it takes to enjoy ourselves? To become something else? Or is it more literally to reshape our environment? Departments of Parks & Recreation can be found in every city, the government's attempt to provide a piece of nature to its citizens in a safe, palatable way. A place to play sports, picnic, canoodle under a tree, watch the toddlers, all acts of recreation. If we are re-creating ourselves in these moments, then what is the original template? All work and posture? Are we attempting to conjur up original Eden in getting away from what we know in our daily lives?
Vehicle: a machine or medium used to transport or make changes. These trailers allow us to escape to places where we can be in nature, shed our city skins and cavort. I guess this is a metamorphosis of a kind, to relax and breathe deeply, kiss schedules goodbye and a more sense oriented day hello. Camping makes us slow down, listen to the crickets (if they're not being drowned out by your neighbors boom box),taste pine needles in the scrambled eggs, savor a book under a shade tree, make love on an air mattress.
In my dream world I have my own Airstream parked and packed and ready to go for a bit of reclusive respite. And when not on the road, it sits there, gleaming in the sun or moonlight, beckoning with a twinkle on the hood, tempting me to sneak off at a moment's notice, reminding me of past ventures. Road conditions may be unpredictable, but the ride is worth it, for destinations unknown hold the promise of surprise, change, something new; at the very least, the joy of having traveled beyond oneself. It's all in the journey.